FUN FACTS, HISTORY, ATTRIBUTES (ie size, year of production, color,scarcity, etc) WHAT FOLLOWS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING SPECIFIC in this listing.
1981 CHIP's Launcher Dealer Ad Sheet Original
We love the old dealer catalogs and promotional ad sheets. Often times, you
can see items that never made it to production. Or spot rare/early
variations. Sometimes, things were even draw into the pictures as they
weren't ready yet when the catalogs/brochures/ad sheets were distributed.
These items were given to Toy Buyers/Retailers at Toy Fair every February
and were not available to the general public.
This particular sheet shows Mego's entry into Evel Knievel territory with
the CHIP's Launcher - although we've always scratched out heads as to what
they were thinking. The Evel craze was long over by 1981.