FUN FACTS, HISTORY, ATTRIBUTES (ie size, year of production, color,scarcity, etc) WHAT FOLLOWS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING SPECIFIC in this listing.
Aurora Model Era 1973 Addar Planet of
the Apes Kit Dr. Zaius Instructions Orig
The story goes that many of the Aurora (THE definitive character model
kit producing company of the 1950's, 1960's and 1st half of the 1970s)
staff left shortly after Aurora was acquired by Nabisco and major
management changes were made. Many of these ex-Aurora employees
would start the Addar company. Short lived as it was (Addar existed only
from 1973-1976 and produced only 38 models in 34 boxes), Addar did create
a few very nice character based model kits - including Evel Knievel,
Planet of the Apes, and JAWS. Addar started off on the right foot when
they acquired the licensing rights to the Planet of the Apes movies.
This listing is for an all original, Dr. Zaius Instructions