Marvel Super Heroes Poster #11 1984 X-Men Women Swimsuit Bikini Carl Potts MIP

Marvel Super Heroes Poster #11 1984 X-Men Women Swimsuit Bikini Carl Potts MIP



Poster image is stock photo. Still in clear plastic factory tube! Light storage out-of-rounding/wear.

Product History, General

FUN FACTS, HISTORY, ATTRIBUTES (ie size, year of production, color,scarcity, etc) WHAT FOLLOWS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING SPECIFIC in this listing.

Marvel Super Heroes Poster 1984 X-Men Women Swimsuit Bikini MIP

Listing is for a Marvel Super Heroes Poster 1984 X-Men Women Swimsuit Bikini MIP.

Measures roughly 22" x 33 1/2". #11 in 1984 Marvel Press Poster series.

This is is shipping payment test!