Star Trek William Shatner 1988 Convention Candid Photos Drinking Cup DNA
From the estate of an avid Star Trek fan comes this unique item! Shatner was a main attraction at the Cavilcade of Customs Motosport Expo in Cincinatti the weekend of Feb 12 - 14, 1988. The previously mentioned fan attended the Shatner panel and sat close enough to take these candid shots. And snag the drinking cup (that help ice water) after Shatner had crunched it up and disposed of it! Now we can't guarantee that any Shatner DNA remains - so if you were hoping to grow your own over-emoting, Canadian Thespian and future pitchman for Priceline - there's no guarantees on our part. We're also not saying it's not possible either! Anyway, there's no reason for us to doubt the authenticity of the items - the original fan is no longer on this earthly soil - but buying them as-is, as you see them.