FUN FACTS, HISTORY, ATTRIBUTES (ie size, year of production, color,scarcity, etc) WHAT FOLLOWS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING SPECIFIC in this listing.
Indiana Jones Ark of the Covenant
Statue Display Design Toscano
Listing is for a Indiana Jones Ark of the Covenant Statue Display Design
"The Bible's Ten Commandments are said to have been kept in an ornate box
much like this sculptural interpretation of an 18th-century drawing.
Complete with guardian cherubim, ornate embellishments and removable lid,
this replica work of art is cast in quality designer resin and finished in
faux gold gilding to capture every exquisite detail."
Although incredibly similar to the one in Raiders of the Lost Ark,
this one is slightly different in interpretation to what the movie
producers used. Measures roughly 11.5" Wide x 4" Deep x 7" High.